No.1 Sentai Gozyuger Episode 1 #

Bima S English Subtitle


17 years have passed since a protector with the title Satria named Eagle turned against everyone he was protecting, creating an explosion that cost lives before disappearing without a trace. This tragedy was followed by the disappearance of physically strong young men, one of which was Satria and was speculated as guinea pigs for experiments to become brawlers with a power matrix. This has been confirmed by Professor T, Aurora, and Nadra and Rama, a pair of Peacock Spirits from the ancient Aster civilization, who took action to stop it all. In the rescue mission, they managed to escape the kidnapping mastermind, Doctor Bre, and secured the power matrix of the two Peacock Spirits, but Doctor Bre damaged their plane so that the artifact was split into seven pieces and scattered to seven corners of the galaxy and left them stranded on the planet. where Ve lives. Did they survive and be able to continue the search for the divided matrix? Did Eagle really turn out to be evil like everyone was telling him?

Episode 1 [WEB-DL]
English Sub : Google Drive l Acefile l

3 komentar

  1. Hi, I am a notary leader and translator of clan senju, a fansub in Spanish, I have been translating the bima saga from my fansub, and since the animated series came out I have been interested in being able to translate it but I have not found neither rasw nor an English translation of it.

    Could you do me the favor of lending me your translation to make the translation into Spanish and raw? How will you all receive credits?

    I leave my page for you to check the veracity of this.
    1. You can contact me on Facebook " " . I will give the RAW + English Sub
  2. Gak lanjut lagi min??
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